Thursday, March 29, 2012

Oh boy! Spring time has come and housing woes

Wow am I just bad with this. Ok I sooo promise for the few that read I will me better about posting.

So in the past 2 months the Blue Heaven that has been our world has really gotten busy. I'll focus on the bigger of the boys- N. we are slowly conning him into lets not play hockey because I can not afford it! So we went for soccer-- now my father loved it, my hubby lives for it and I loathe it with every fiber of my being. Needless to say N loves soccer. He cannot wait for outdoor season in August and I have a feeling I will be a soccer mom ( driving an SUV!) Before he can get his kicks on the field we have baseball season. Now I was not some star athlete however my now 6 year old can hit. Not just hit a ball I mean knock out clear the field hits. If he would only stop diving for balls like a mad man, rolling in the dirt and focus I swear this kid would be brought up to play with 8-9 year olds.

The positives- I'm making neighborhood friends... Down side. They don't actually live in my neighborhood. See in my little town of 4000 where literally everyone knows each other there are the townies on the west side of the main street and the newbies on the east side. We have some friends on the west side but on my side -east-there are 3 subdivisions. We will call them P, H and N. P is small, larger more expensive all brick homes-- we have a few friends there. N is mine.. 30 homes, some kids, but 4 blocks of land with no homes since 170 should have been built here but everything crashed.

Then there is H. H Has been around since 2000 and has great homes. We liked 4 of them but they were over 300k when we were looking and could only get 1-2 of them on the lots that were open so we opted not to buy there. But EVERYONE lives there. Literally. I feel like they are the popular kids and I'm on the not as good 2nd class place looking in. One step behind the popular kids. Getting the latest fad 5 months later. They are only 4 blocks away but they are 90% built and have blocks of kids playing, neighbors getting together etc..

Oh how I wish I lived there..... Maybe one day.

Monday, January 2, 2012

All Wrapped Up 2011

So presents have been bought, wrapping paper found and it's time to get it all perfect.... I'll have to admit I LIVE to wrap gifts. I love the bows, perfect creases, ribbons, neatly writing names on ribbon and having a warmly decorated Christmas house. Ahhhhhh the fantasy.


Between 2 cats who believe our home is in fact the African jungle and they must hunt, knock everything over.... 2 boys who think the house is the NHL practice field and my spouse who well tries. So I rearrange, replace, and just think well there is always next year (yes I am a cubs fan there is always next year).

So I decorated and it looked nice.. not perfection like a magazine but nice.. and now my last day of break and  I have to take it down :( . Not looking forward to it only because I LOVE the look of a dark house with the tree on. Something warm and inviting about that.  I have resigned myself that I know what I want my home to look like (decorated wise) and that I should probably have someone come and help. Not that it looks bad, outdated or anything but a fresh pair of eyes... just need to find the cash to pay for one of those. I love my friends home and they say they like mine but Im just not sure you know.

I have to say Im sorry this took SO LONG to post! With the holidays its hard to get on but my resolution is to post 2 times a week AT LEAST!!! This is my outlet for chatting.

2011 SEE YA! Bring it on 2012...

New year new start right?! I though, naively, last year at this time  that I would be skinner by 2012. Right.. I had an entire YEAR and well 2011 came and went and Im the SAME.. Not chubbier (thank god) but not thinner either.. really and I was doing SO WELL until about July.. then wham. So Im going to try and get healthier and thinner in the new year. Maybe TTC #3.... who knows but hopefully if the Mayan's are wrong in 2013 Ill be thin!

See ya in the new year!