Monday, November 7, 2011

Afternoon dates

Weekend Update:

Friday--- Thank god I'm a sports fan. Bundled up like we were visiting Alaska, the family loaded up in the car after dinner to watch our high school (where we work) battle another school in the state playoff series for football. It was a cold night full of anticipation at kick off. After the 1st quarter it was apparent that we would seal a victory and live to play another (cold) Friday night. Sure enough both boys were tired, cold and cranky but had the energy to cheer "GO VIKINGS" and clap for every play.

I looked over at my husband earnestly teaching our 2 yr old the fundamentals of football while the 5 yr old just looked at home at a place he had been coming to all his 5 years of life. He proclaimed to me that one day he would too be a Viking on this field. I figured this was not the day to tell him no he would be a Bobcat since we don't live in the district! But looking around at the proud parents after one amazing drive a lady stood up cheering "That a boy!! That's my son!!" Wearing his jersey and pride beaming from her face. In her I saw me in 9 short years cheering for my son's maybe on the same field or one just like it.

On Saturday we found ourselves with a rare weekend free so I decided to make good on a promise to Nate. See, in Kindergarten they get stickers for each day they behave well and since he earned one for every day in October decided to offer a reward! His choice: movie date with mom. I was thrilled taking off with him to see Dolphin Tale. Now if you know me, you know Lifetime Movie Network is a staple in my life. I cry, use all the tissue and follow the story as if it was my own....

So Nate excitedly chats all the way to the movie, stopping only to sing along with Bon Jovi and Lady Antebellum on the radio (more lessons from mom). The 2 hours flew by as we watched the tale of "Winter" and I went through one box of tissue cheering for that Dolphin. Nate looked over puzzled and asked me why I was crying when she lived?!  I explained they were tears of joy--but he just shrugged and munched on with his popcorn.

This weekend I was in my own blue heaven, spending quality time with those I love.

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