Sunday, November 6, 2011

The "Children" question

Brotherhood--- As a sorority woman I “get” the sisterhood and brotherhood meaning. As an only child I never had the opportunity to experience it with family until now. Having two boys opens my eyes to a world foreign to me.. a world filled with brotherhood  consisting of trucks, bugs, and dirt.
A typical trip to run errands always yields questions from well meaning strangers… yes I have two boys, yes my house is noisy and yes I have my hands full. Do you ask because they boys or because I have kids?  For me it’s the latter. As a teacher I can tell you male or female once you increase the number of children in your immediate area you will be inevitably graced with mess—usually toys or snack, and noise—of the toy or human variety.
Now as a parent of two boys when a stranger comments the conversation typically goes in this pattern.
Stranger: Are both yours?
Me:  Yes
Stranger: Do you have any other children?
Me: Nope just the 2….. (wait for it wait for it….. silently counting)
Stranger: “You have to have a third for a girl” (or something of that nature)
Me: “Well right now these two are wonderful.. who knows about the future”
Stranger: “Didn’t you want a girl?”
Me smiling and thinking.. gee was there a choice? I never remembered seeing that option on the OB form? And I just repeat that I love my sons and life is just grand.

  But these conversations have me wondering what is wrong with not having a boy and a girl, preferably in that order? Is there something imperfect about not having the stereotypical “perfect family?” I see Logan following his brother like a blonder and smaller version. What ever Nate does, Logan will follow and it has been this way from birth. They have a look, a laugh, a bond like no other. They are brothers, while to some it might be an imperfect family--for us they are perfect brothers.

So yes I will have my days filled with sports, bugs, and trucks… but I will also have hugs, love, birthdays, cooking and so many other times I cherish as they grow older boy or girl.

(edited for spelling!)

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