Friday, November 11, 2011

A thanks, a respite and sleepy boys........

Today is a day we say thank you. Thank you to the brave men and women who have fought for our freedom for over 200 years. For the men and women who sleep under a humvee, away for months in the desert, living on bases without extended family, and those who have lost someone who gave their all so we can have freedom. Today we say thank you. Thank you for your time, thank you for your sacrifice, thank you for serving our nation. We are the land of the free because of the brave.

But I think we should say thank you everyday not just once or twice a year, you know those days: 4th of July, Memorial Day or Veteran's Day. Every time we see a solider in uniform stop and shake their hand and say thank you... I appreciate everything you do for our country. (A personal thanks to my brother-in-law who is currently active duty stationed in Alaska!!)

While the meaning of the holiday is not lost on me, today was a day of relaxing. The boys, dad and I were home which means: 2 boys+ lots of toys+ mom doing chores= my family room looks like a Toys R Us tornado hit. There were forts, Lego artillery, stuffed animals doing guard duty and 2 cats who ran like they were on fire lest they be recruited. My living room was a battle zone between Batman, hockey and Mr. Potato Head (who lost an arm and was taken to the "hospital" AKA toy kitchen... yeah like a potato fairs well in a kitchen). Oh where was dad you ask? Building the Great Wall of Lego!

Once baths were had I was getting everything ready for bed and I  heard " I do not like Green Eggs and Ham Sam I am" and sneaked a peak.. there on his bed was my 5 yr old reading to his little brother. They were so engrossed in Dr Seuss. Now N is learning to read so he was telling L the pictures and what he remembered.. but it was such a sweet moment--I should have taken a picture as 2 hours earlier L was practicing throwing by beaning his older brother in the head with random Lego's... but, I  tucked them both in and smiled as they fell fast asleep in their own rooms and I to watch some hockey.

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